Our Blog

Hello world!

……and welcome!! So here you are checking out my site and I couldn’t be happier. It has taken along time to get here and a lot of going back and forth on whether or not to take the big step to one, go online and two, to actually blog, considering I am a person of few words. I am putting myself out there so that I can let the world know that I am a digital artist!! “What is a dgital artist?” you ask. Well, a digital artist is a person who digitally creates art using the best programs Adobe has to offer. I’ve dabbled in Dreamweaver and Flash and created a few sites here and there. Illustrator to create logo (so far only for family and friends) and Photoshop to retouch, restore and recreate photos. And of course, InDesign to design albums, business cards, flyers and all sorts of cool layouts. I know, I know there are a lot of people out there who offer these services, but none of them are ME! Go ahead, I dare you, poke around my site and spread the word, “like” me on FB, tell your friends to “like” me on FB, send me an email, send me snail mail, forward to your friends or whatever it is you do to tell everyone how awesome I am:) I know you know someone who is getting married or just recently got married, or may be you have old photos that need help. Or may be you are a professional photographer who is incredibly busy and needs some help on the design side or just starting out and haven’t figured out the album part. Don’t worry, here I am to save the day!

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