About Me

Ever since I can remember, I have always loved photography.

My first job in high school was at a one hour photo store, where I developed film (I know it was so       loooong ago) and printed pictures.  After a year or two, I found out about this little thing called Photoshop. I started restoring old photographs and retouching photos, creating collages and so much more.  I loved it so much I stayed there for 6 years creating art for other people.

After graduating from University of Maryland, College Park with a BA in Fine Arts and a Certificate in Graphic Design, I began working at a photography studio, where I retouched photos and designed albums. I then ventured off to start my small business and now help other  photographers with the design and retouching needs. I also dabble a bit in graphic design and have created a few logos for companies.

For the last 12 years, I have been creating, designing and photographing and love to spread the art.

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